Neal Simon Discusses "Contract to Unite America" With A. B. Stoddard On RealClearBooks | Video | RealClearPolitics

Neal Simon Discusses "Contract to Unite America" With A. B. Stoddard On RealClearBooks


Washington, D.C., has been reconfigured by partisan insiders to benefit their parties and funding allies. Our political system incentivizes divisiveness and gridlock, rather than practical solutions to our nation's pressing challenges.” Those are the views of Neal Simon, today’s guest on the video series RealClear Books hosted by A. B. Stoddard, columnist and associate editor at RealClearPolitics.

Neal Simon ran as an independent candidate for the US Senate in Maryland in 2018. His new book is Contract to Unite America: Ten Reforms to Reclaim Our Republic. In it he provides what he calls “specific, practical solutions for an improved government, and a better tomorrow.”

Simon argues that the degradations in party primaries, campaign finances, and election rules have caused American self-government to collapse into gridlock and divisiveness. Capitalizing on personal insight derived from his own political campaign along with extensive research, Contract to Unite America provides what Simon calls, “specific, practical solutions for an improved government and a better tomorrow.

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