Wednesday on FNC's "Special Report," author Peter Schweizer spoke about allegations of corruption against former Vice President Joe Biden involving his son's business dealings in Ukraine and China. In his book, "Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends" Schweizer makes the case that Hunter Biden took advantage of his father being the Obama administration's point man for dealing with Ukraine and China to land lucrative business deals in those countries that he would otherwise have been unable to make.
"Joe Biden is appointed the point-person to two countries on policy: China and Ukraine. And in both of those countries, they happen to be the epicenters of Hunter Biden's business activities," Schweizer explained.
"In December of 2013, Joe Biden flies to Beijing, China on Air Force Two. On the plane with him is his son, Hunter Biden," Schweizer stated. "Frankly, he gets criticized on the trip for going soft on Beijing. What we now know is that ten days after they returned from that trip, Hunter Biden's small investment firm announced a $1.5 billion private equity deal with the Chinese government."
"In February 2014, the Yanukovich government falls, the Russians move into Crimea, there is a crisis situation. Joe Biden becomes the point person on the Western response in Ukraine," Schweizer continued. "Literally two months after that event, Hunter Biden and Devin Archer are appointed to the board of directors of Burisma, which is a notoriously corrupt energy company."
"The problem is," he said. "Just like in China, in the case of Ukraine, he has no background that would warrant him getting this position. He has no background in energy policy, and he certainly has no background and Ukraine."
JOHN ROBERTS, FOX NEWS: My colleague Bret Baier spoke with Peter Schweizer, author of the book on the Bidens, titled "Secret Empires." Schweizer is also president of the right-leaning Government Accountability Institute. He recounts a key overseas trip that the then vice president took with his son six years ago.
PETER SCHWEIZER: In December of 2013, Joe Biden flies to Beijing, China, on Air Force Two.
On the plane with him is his son, Hunter Biden. This is a very controversial visit by Biden. The Chinese have extended their military presence into the South China Sea. Frankly, he gets criticized on the trip for going soft on Beijing. What we now know is that ten days after they returned from that trip, Hunter Biden's small investment firm announced a $1.5 billion private equity deal with the Chinese government. It was an unusual deal, it was done through the Shanghai Free-Trade Zone. In fact, no other major investment firm had this, not Deutsche Bank, not Goldman, not JP Morgan. So it was a highly, highly unusual deal.
BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS: What specifically was the deal?
PETER SCHWEIZER: It was a private investment firm, basically an investment fund by which the Chinese government entities, including their social security pension funds and others, would put money into the funds and then those funds would be interested overseas. They bought companies in the United States, they bought companies in China, and Africa, and around the world. So it's an investment business and Hunter Biden was on the board of directors, and his business partner, Devin Archer, was the vice-chairman and also a member of the investment committee. So they were directly involved in the operation and management of this investment firm.
PETER DOOCY, FOX NEWS, SEPTEMBER 23, 2019: How many times have you ever spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings?
JOE BIDEN: I've never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.
BRET BAIER: We've heard over the past few days, the former vice president saying he did not talk to his son about his business dealings. We have seen that picture of Devin Archer and Hunter golfing with the vice president.
PETER SCHWEIZER: Yeah, exactly. The photograph shows the interaction. We also have the words of the Chinese executives involved in this investment firm called Bohai Harvest. They actually told reporters that during that December 2013 trip on Air Force Two, they were introduced to the vice president by Hunter Biden.
BRET BAIER: Fast forward from December 2013, a few months, this Ukrainian deal starts to develop.
PETER SCHWEIZER: That's right. It is very curious, Bret. Joe Biden is appointed the point-person to two countries on policy: China and Ukraine. And in both of those countries, they happen to be the epicenters of Hunter Biden's business activities.
So in February 2014, the Yanukovich government falls, the Russians move into Crimea, there is a crisis situation. Joe Biden becomes the point person on the Western response in Ukraine.
Literally two months after that event, Hunter Biden and Devin Archer are appointed to the board of directors of Burisma, which is a notoriously corrupt energy company. There are a lot of private equity firms that would report at the time that they would not deal with Burisma because of its origins. We know that payday is huge because we have financial records that indicate that Hunter Biden and Devin Archer were each paid $83,000 a month for serving on that board. Hunter Biden joined the board in April of 2014 and he remained there until earlier this year. So his take was more than $3 million. The problem is, Bret, just like in China, in the case of Ukraine, he has no background that would warrant him getting this position. He has no background in energy policy, and he certainly has no background and Ukraine.
BRET BAIER: On the financial documents, it's listed, "Robert Biden."
PETER SCHWEIZER: Yes, that's right. That's his legal name, Robert H. Biden. What you see in that financial account, Bret, is really kind of something unusual. You see the money coming from Burisma and Ukraine, but there's also a lot of other foreign money that's moving into that account that we can't account for.
Schweizer: Biden Was "Soft On Beijing" During Visit Ten Days Before Son's Company Scored $1.5 Billion Deal
Schweizer: Obama Made Biden Pointman On Ukraine Two Months Before Son Joined Burisma Board
Watch the full interview via Wednesday's edition of FOX News Channel's "Special Report":