Full Replay: Donald Trump Interview With Mike Huckabee


President Trump sat down with his press secretary's father, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, for an interview that aired Saturday night on TBN.

About the hurricane which struck Puerto Rico, the president said: "We have a mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico who didn't attend meetings, who didn't work with FEMA, who really did not do a very good job, in fact did a very poor job, and she was the lone voice that we saw and of course that's the only voice the media wanted to talk to... she's not a capable person."

Despite that, he graded the government's response as "A-pluses."

He also responded to criticism of a video which emerged of him tossing paper towels into a crowd of victims: "They had these beautiful, soft towels. Very good towels.... I was having fun, they were having fun. They said, 'throw 'em to me! Throw 'em to me Mr. President!"

"In one sense you hate to see it, but in another sense you feel like you can do a good job, you're helping people, so you feel good," he said about natural disasters in general.

He also touched on foreign policy, saying that as president, he would much rather focus on North Korea and Iran than "somebody's hurt knee" [health care reform].

"We're gonna work [toward a peace deal in Israel]," Trump said, "I want to give that a shot before I even think about moving the embassy to Jerusalem... The Middle East when I took over was a mess, and it's much less of a mess now but we have problems."

On the Iran deal he said: "I can tell you I'm very unhappy with the deal.... They're literally causing trouble, predominantly in the Middle East. I believe they're funding North Korea.... that doesn't pertain to the deal but in my opinion it does because it's called the spirit of a deal.... You will see what I will be doing but Iran is a bad player and they will be dealt with as a bad player."

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