Donna Brazile: WikiLeaks Documents Are "Crap," "Post-Marked From Russia"


DNC Chair Donna Brazile casts doubt on whether WikiLeaks documents showing excerpts from Hillary Clinton's speeches to big banks are real, in an interview with 'This Week' host George Stephanopoulos:

STEPHANOPOULOS: You also heard Rudy Giuliani say something that I take is true, had this story not broken on Friday afternoon, today we'd be spending a lot of time on those emails that were released on Friday. John Podesta, the chairman of Hillary Clinton's campaign, emails talking about those speeches she gave to private groups back before she started to run for president, including one where she talked about -- this was one excerpt of a speech.

"My dream is a hemispheric common market with open trade and open borders some time in the future, with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the homeland. Open trade and open borders. This is the kind of thing that, had this come out, as he pointed out, Mr. Giuliani pointed out, is to have this come out during the primaries with Bernie Sanders, this would have been devastating to Hillary.

BRAZILE: You know, I was with Bernie the other day when -- when some of this WikiLeaks stuff came out. And Bernie Sanders went out there to tell voters in New Hampshire that he is -- he's with Hillary Clinton and Secretary Clinton -- second -- I mean Senator Tim Kaine.

George, when you see something postmarked from Russia, you should be afraid to open up the document.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But these are legit, aren't they?

BRAZILE: When you see what -- I don't know. I -- I refuse to open these documents. I refuse to allow a foreign government, a foreign -- or fg communities -- to interfere and meddle and manipulate information. So I don't know if it's true or not true.

But I could tell you what she's been saying in public about trade, what she's been saying in public about Wall Street, what she has been saying in public about immigration reform.

I have no idea if these documents -- they have been, as you know, selectively leaking and manipulating documents.

Postmark, the United States government finally acknowledged that these -- that the Democratic Party, Democratic institutions have been hacked and I don't trust any -- anything that (INAUDIBLE).

STEPHANOPOULOS: So I mean you don't -- you don't believe these are actually the excerpts of the speeches?

BRAZILE: Let me just say something, George. As you -- as you well know, the reason why Secretary Clinton's speeches became a topic in the primary is because she released her taxes, where, I mean Donald Trump has not released his taxes.

So I -- I believe that that information may -- I don't know, George. I refuse to open them. And I've -- I've asked the staff at the DNC and all of our democratic allies, don't open up that crap, because it's postmarked from Russia.

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