In her 2016 Nevada caucus victory speech, Hillary Clinton spoke directly to young people who might be disappointed by her opponent Bernie Sanders' loss.
"It can't be just about what we're going to give to you," she said. "It has to be about we're going to build together."
HILLARY CLINTON: I want to say this to all the young people out there. I know what you're up against if you left college with a ton of loans, it's not enough just to make college more affordable. You need help right now with the debt you already have.
That's why I have a plan to cut your interest rates and cap payments so you never have to pay more than you can afford.
But I want you to think about this. It can't be just about what we're going to give to you. It has to be about we're going to build together. Your generation is the most tolerant and connected our country has ever seen. In the days ahead, we will propose new ways for more Americans to get involved in national service and give back to our communities, because every one of us has a role to play in building the future we want.
Washington is never going to have all the answers, but for every problem we face somewhere someone in America is solving it. And we need you to be part of that excing journey we can make together. We need the community activists who decide to run for school board, the entrepreneur who stays and builds instead of leaving a hometown that has seen better days. We need the millions of teachers and nurses, police officers and firefighters who get up every day and do quiet, heroic work to make our country a safer, fairer, better place. It's going to take each of us working together, growing together, looking out for one another, and lifting each other up.
Because there is a basic truth about America. It's something that Bill and I have been the beneficiaries of, that we have tried to contribute to and do all we could to continue. America can only live up to its potential when each and every American has the chance to live up to your potential, too.
The crowd at Sanders' event booing during Clinton's victory speech.
— Hunter Schwarz (@hunterschwarz) February 20, 2016