"Dilbert" Creator Predicts "Master Wizard" Donald Trump Will Win Election With His "Linguistic Kill Shots"


In a fascinating interview with Reason Magazine, Scott Adams, the creator of the Dilbert cartoon, says the media doesn't understand Donald Trump. He isn't a blundering baffoon, he is a highly sophisticated political operative employing occult methods of persuasion.

SCOTT ADAMS: I see a flamethrower, the flamethrower guy wins in a stick fight...

The idea of the Master Wizard Hypothesis says there are some people in the world, living people, masters of persuasion, they've got a linguistic gift for influencing people. And they are using actual techniques.

What I [see] in Trump is someone who was highly trained. A lot of the things that the media were reporting as sort of random insults and bluster and just Trump being Trump, looked to me like a lot of deep technique that I recognized from the fields of hypnosis and persuasion.


Linguistic killshot: An engineered set of words that changes an argument or ends it so decisively, I call it a kill shot. One of the ones Donald Trump used was referring to Bush as a "low energy guy" or Carly Fiorina as a "robot" or Ben Carson as "nice."

All of these have the same quality, they are words you haven't heard in the political realm before, so they are sort of virginal words without any baggage, but they also perfectly fit... They weren't random insults, once you hear it, you can never get it out of your mind, that is how powerful it is.


Anchor: Something big and visual that takes you off of what you word thinking before, just because it is a bigger thought. (Rosie O'Donnell)... and all the headlines became about Rosie O'Donnell instead of: "Is Trump a sexist?"

It is the same thing with his idea for immigration and "the wall." It is a big visual magnificent thing in your head...


Linguistic Judo: One interview said he was "kind of a whiner," instead of saying, "no, I'm not a whiner," Trump embraced it --like Judo-- took the force of the label, and used it... He changed whiner into "the biggest voice for change" with just a few words. It's amazing.


Vagueness: He uses vagueness as a tool, this is something I learned in hypnosis class... Sometimes you want to tell a story in a way that lets people fill in the blanks with whatever would make them the happiest...

People fill in the blanks with brilliant plans that are there own plans.


He has also developed the Trump Persona over many years as a politican. He can change his mind. He can say I'm not going to tell you what I'll do. He can tell a joke, he can be outrageous.

You see apple pie and flags and eagles coming out of his ass when he talks.

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