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Maher: Islam Only Religion That "Kills You When You Disagree With Them"

"All this talk of people who burn the Koran and nothing about the people who reacted in such a stupid way. We are always blaming the victim and not holding them -- not most Muslims, but at least a large part of Muslim culture that doesn't condemn their people," Bill Maher said on his show "Real Time" Friday night.

"There is one religion in the world that kills you when you disagree with them and they say 'look, we are a religion of peace and if you disagree we'll fucking cut your head off,'" Maher said. "And nobody calls them on it -- there are very few people that will call them on it."

"It's like if Dad is a violent drunk and beats his kids, you don't blame the kid because he set Dad off. You blame Dad because he's a violent drunk," Maher concluded.

Maher also give his reaction to Sen. Lindsey Graham saying "free speech is great, but we're at war." Maher said that comment made him "nervous."

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