Final Polls & Results
Iowa: GOP | Dems
New Hampshire: GOP | Dems
Michigan: GOP | Dems
Nevada: GOP | Dems
South Carolina: GOP | Dems
Florida: GOP | Dems
Super Tuesday: GOP | Dems
Virginia: GOP | Dems
Maryland: GOP | Dems
Wisconsin: GOP | Dems
Ohio: GOP | Dems
Texas: GOP | Dems
Pennsylvania: Dems
North Carolina: Dems
Indiana: Dems
West Virginia: Dems
Oregon: Dems
Kentucky: Dems

Arizona Republican Primary

Polling Data

PollDateSampleMcCain Romney Huckabee Paul Spread
Final Results---- +13.0
RCP Average01/17 - 01/31--41.325.08.34.0McCain +16.3
Rasmussen01/31 - 01/31612 LV433497McCain +9.0
Behavior Res. Ctr01/20 - 01/24LV 402393McCain +17.0
Arizona State01/17 - 01/20375 LV411872McCain +23.0

See All Arizona Republican Primary Polling Data

Recent Commentary & News Stories

- Searching for the Next Vice President - Marc Ambinder, National Journal

- Facts Better for GOP in '08 than '06 - Michael Barone, US News & WR

- The Flip-Flop Brothers: Who Will Suffer? - John Dickerson, Slate

- Obama's Class A Flip-Flop Won't Hurt Him - Jonathan Freedland, Guardian

- How to Hit Obama - Robert Novak, Chicago Sun-Times

See All Arizona Republican Primary Commentary & News Stories

Polling Data

PollDateSampleMcCain Romney Huckabee Paul Spread
Final Results---- +13.0
RCP Average01/17 - 01/31--41.325.08.34.0McCain +16.3
Rasmussen01/31 - 01/31612 LV433497McCain +9.0
Behavior Res. Ctr01/20 - 01/24LV 402393McCain +17.0
Arizona State01/17 - 01/20375 LV411872McCain +23.0
Behavior Res. Ctr11/12 - 11/15Adults 181134McCain +7.0
American Res. Group10/05 - 10/09600 LV261815McCain +8.0
Ariz. State08/23 - 08/26RV 2419----McCain +5.0
American Res. Group07/23 - 07/26600 LV327--1McCain +25.0
Behavior Res. Ctr05/24 - 05/29338 RV357----McCain +28.0

All Commentary & News Stories

- Searching for the Next Vice President - Marc Ambinder, National Journal

- Facts Better for GOP in '08 than '06 - Michael Barone, US News & WR

- The Flip-Flop Brothers: Who Will Suffer? - John Dickerson, Slate

- Obama's Class A Flip-Flop Won't Hurt Him - Jonathan Freedland, Guardian

- How to Hit Obama - Robert Novak, Chicago Sun-Times

- McCain Closes the Cash Gap - Jeanne Cummings, The Politico

- Can McCain Save the GOP Brand? - Eleanor Clift, Newsweek

- A Family-Friendly Idea for McCain - Ramesh Ponnuru, Weekly Standard

- Obama Should Keep Gates at Defense - Joe Klein, Time

- VP Choice Isn't Always About Balance - David Shribman, Pitt Post-Gazette

- Why Did Obama Rattle the Jerusalem Issue? - Frida Ghitis, Miami Herald

- Where are Michelle's Feminist Defenders? - Mary Curtis, Washington Post

- Obama's Ever-Changing "Change" - New York Post

- McCain and Bush, Oil Opportunists - Los Angeles Times

- Obama-Gore? - Washington Times

- Obama's Right About Families and Education - James Klurfeld, Newsday

- The Obama-McCain Authenticity Contest - Liz Sidoti, Associated Press

- Obama: A False Moderate? - Michael Gerson, Washington Post

- Countering Race with Class - David Sirota, San Francisco Chronicle

- Obama's Balancing Act on Free Trade - Brian Montopoli, CBS News

- U.S. Shouldn't Alienate Canada on NAFTA - Sen. John McCain, Detroit FP

- U.S. Must Increase Energy Research Funding - Mort Kondracke, Roll Call

- McCain Struggles to Break Free of Bush - M. Reston & B. Drogin, LA Times

- Obama Should Keep Gates at Defense - Joe Klein, Time

- Obama's Flip-Flop Won't Hurt Bid - Jonathan Freedland, The Guardian

- The Two Obamas - David Brooks, New York Times

- After Shift, Obama Poised For Huge Cash Edge - Rick Klein, ABC News

- McCain's Oil Epiphany - Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post

- Drilling: A Cynical Political Calculation - Paul Krugman, New York Times

- The Problem with Obama's New Politics - Mona Charen, National Review

- Why 9/11 Won't Defeat Obama - Jonathan Chait, The New Republic

- Social Security is Not a Welfare Program - Larry Lindsey, Wall St. Journal

- The Party of Lincoln Was Left Behind on Civil Rights - John Avlon, RCP

- McCain is No Maverick - Eric Alterman & George Zornick, The Nation

- Obama Should Swap Chicago for Phoenix - Tristram Hunt, Times of London

- All Eyes on New Hampshire -- Again - E. J. Dionne, Seattle Times

- Will There Be Coattails in November? - Reid Wilson, RealClearPolitics

- Public Funding on the Ropes - New York Times

- Obama Flips, Blames It on McCain - Wall Street Journal

- Yes, Drill - but Research, Too - Dallas Morning News

- McCain Scores w/Drilling Proposal - Dick Morris & Eileen McGann, Fox News

- Dem Governors Unite Behind Obama - Napolitano & O'Malley, The Politico

- Does Obama Know What He's Talking About? - Scott Johnson, Power Line

- A Feminist Would Be Insane to Vote for McCain - Katha Pollitt, The Nation

- Obama's Best Veep Choice is Gone - Steven Stark, Boston Phoenix

- McCain's Terror Errors - Rosa Brooks, Los Angeles Times

- Questions from an Obamacon - Larry Hunter, The New Republic

- Obama's Chivalry Gap - Hendrik Hertzberg, The New Yorker

- Obama to Break Pledge, Opt Out of Public Financing - Jake Tapper, ABC News

- Democrats, Not So Fast - Ross Baker, USA Today

- The Not So Simple Politics of Iraq - Marie Cocco, Indianapolis Star

- McCain Should Give Up on Evangelical Support - Froma Harrop, Prov Journal

- Can Obama Defend America? - Michael Tomasky, The Guardian

- Promises Aren't Plans, Senator Obama - Ralph Peters, New York Post

- It's Not What They've Done, But What They'll Learn - John Ibbitson, G & M

- Obama and McCain Spout Economic Nonsense - Karl Rove, Wall St. Journal

- Oil Lessons - Debra Saunders, San Francisco Chronicle

- Obama's Promise of Change - Victor Davis Hanson, RealClearPolitics

- Dismantling the Myth of McCain - David Moberg, In These Times

- The '08 Battles for the U.S. Senate - Larry Sabato, UVA Center for Politics

- What Obama Meant By 'Undivided' Jerusalem - Joel Mowbray, RCP

- The Obama Two-Step - Steven Stark, Boston Phoenix

- Obama, The Post-Post 9/11 Candidate - Philip Klein, American Spectator

- Using 9/11 For Partisan Gain - Michael Scherer, Time

- Obama: NAFTA Not So Bad After All - Nina Easton, Fortune

- McCain and Obama's Gas Fight - Amy Walter, National Journal

- Obama and 9/11 - Max Boot, Commentary Magazine

- McCain's Message Problem - John Dickerson, Slate

- Michelle Obama's Subtle Makeover - M. Powell & J. Kantor, New York Times

- Calling All Fathers - Kathleen Parker, RealClearPolitics

- McCain Attacks Gitmo Ruling at His Peril - Ruth Marcus, Washington Post

- Sweeping and Wrong Conclusions - Peter Wehner, National Review Online

- Tim Pawlenty's Proletarian Chic - Noam Scheiber, The New Republic

- Time For Obama to Slaughter Some Sacred Cows - Blake Dvorak, RCP

- A McCain-Lieberman Ticket? - Walter Shapiro, Salon

- The Problem with Obama's Father's Day Speech - Bruce Walker, Am. Thinker

- Iraq's Foreign Minister Has a Chat with Obama - Washington Post

- The Energy Tide is Turning - Investor's Business Daily

- Bush Will Seek to Drop a Drilling Ban - Sheryl Stolberg, New York Times

- Envisioning McCain's Supreme Court - Ruth Marcus, Washington Post

- Why Hasn't Obama Pulled Further Ahead? - Jake Tapper, ABC News

- Can Georgia Be Obama's Ohio? - Jay Newton-Small, Time

- George Will's Weak Case Against McCain - Mark Levin, NRO

- When Obama is Off the Teleprompter - John Podhoretz, Contentions

- Full Metal McCain - Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone

- Where the Electorate Stands - Marc Ambinder, The Atlantic

- Why McCain Wouldn't Be Bush III - Andrew Romano, Newsweek

- It's Obama's Race to Lose - Matthew Rothschild, The Progressive

- McCain's Desperate Debate Gambit - Paul Waldman, American Prospect

- George Will is Wrong About Boumediene - Ed Whelan, NRO

- Obama as a Great Hope, No Matter His Color - Les Payne, Newsday

- Obama and the Cheney Option - Steve Kornacki, New York Observer

- Has Affirmative Action Run Its Course? - Jonathan Kaufman, WSJ

- Obama Raises Hopes for Fatherhood - E. J. Dionne, Houston Chronicle

- McCain's Posturing on Guantanamo - George Will, Washington Post

- The Unraveling of Joe Lieberman - Jonathan Chait, The New Republic

- Democratic Unity Still Out of Reach - Matthew Dallek, The Politico

- Independent Voters To Be Key in Nov. - Balz & Cohen, Washington Post

- What Obama Can Learn from Gates - Robert Kaplan, The Atlantic

- McCain Aims to Avoid the Dole-Drums - Holly Bailey, Newsweek