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Election 2006 Latest Polls Senate Races House Races Governor Races

Ohio Governor Race



Blackwell (R)

Bio | Campaign Site

Ted Strickland

Ted Strickland (D)

Bio | Campaign Site

RealClearPolitics Snapshot
RCP Average: Strickland +19.4 % |RCP Chart
RCP Ranking: Likely Democrat
Key State Races: SEN | OH-1 | OH-2 | OH-15 | OH-18

Polling Data

PollDateSampleBlackwell (R)Strickland (D)Und.Spread
Final Results----36.760.5--Strickland +23.8
RCP Average10/31 - 11/5--37.356.73.7Strickland +19.4
SurveyUSA11/3 - 11/5436 LV38554Strickland +17
Univ. of Cinci11/1 - 11/51074 LV3759--Strickland +22
Mason-Dixon10/31 - 11/2625 LV37567Strickland +19

All Ohio Governor Race Polling Data

Previous Elections

2000: DeWine 60, Celeste 36
1994: DeWine 53, Hyatt 39

2004: Bush 51, Kerry 49
2000: Bush 50, Gore 46
1996: Clinton 47, Dole 40


Occupation: Blue Collar 27.8% | White Collar 57.3% | Gray Collar 14.9%
Race: White 84.0% | Black 11.4% | Hisapnic 1.9% | Asian 1.2%

Links for More Information

Blogs: Ohio2006 | State of the Union | Right Angle | From the Roots | Blackwell v. Strickland

State Newspaper Coverage: Cincinnati Enquirer | Columbus Dispatch

State Parties: OH GOP | OH Dems

Polling Data

PollDateSampleBlackwell (R)Strickland (D)Und.Spread
Final Results----36.760.5--Strickland +23.8
RCP Average10/31 - 11/5--37.356.73.7Strickland +19.4
SurveyUSA11/3 - 11/5436 LV38554Strickland +17
Univ. of Cinci11/1 - 11/51074 LV3759--Strickland +22
Columbus Dispatch*10/24 - 11/31541 RV31673Strickland +36
Mason-Dixon10/31 - 11/2625 LV37567Strickland +19
Opinion Consultants10/22 - 10/30800 LV39556Strickland +16
CNN10/26 - 10/29542 LV36594Strickland +23
Zogby Interactive*10/23 - 10/27LV 4351--Strickland +8
Rasmussen10/25 - 10/25500 LV36584Strickland +22
SurveyUSA10/23 - 10/25563 LV32623Strickland +30
Mason-Dixon10/18 - 10/20625 LV345411Strickland +20
Zogby Interactive*10/10 - 10/16750 LV4151--Strickland +10
CBS News/NY Times10/11 - 10/15689 LV295410Strickland +25
Quinnipiac10/10 - 10/15901 LV32599Strickland +27
Univ. of Cinci10/9 - 10/14526 LV38526Strickland +14
Rasmussen10/12 - 10/12500 LV34596Strickland +25
SurveyUSA10/9 - 10/11515 LV32605Strickland +28
Rasmussen10/3 - 10/3500 LV40524Strickland +12
Univ. of Akron8/20 - 9/29477 LV344715Strickland +13
Mason-Dixon9/25 - 9/27625 RV36539Strickland +17
Zogby Interactive*9/19 - 9/25--404812Strickland +8
Columbus Dispatch*9/9 - 9/221791 RV335213Strickland +19
SurveyUSA9/18 - 9/20490 LV35566Strickland +21
Quinnipiac9/11 - 9/17876 LV345510Strickland +21
Univ. of Cinci9/7 - 9/17671 LV38507Strickland +12
Rasmussen9/13 - 9/13500 LV35547Strickland +19
Zogby Interactive*8/29 - 9/5807 LV424810Strickland +6
USA Today/Gallup8/23 - 8/27584 LV36529Strickland +16
Rasmussen8/22 - 8/22500 LV32577Strickland +25
Zogby Interactive*8/15 - 8/21n/a 41509Strickland +9
SurveyUSA8/5 - 8/7503 LV35572Strickland +22
Rasmussen7/26 - 7/26500 LV39507Strickland +11
Columbus Dispatch*7/11 - 7/201654 RV274728Strickland +20
Rasmussen6/20 - 6/20500 LV375010Strickland +13
SurveyUSA6/10 - 6/12507 LV37532Strickland +16
University of Cincinnati5/9 - 5/21635 RV44505Strickland +6
Rasmussen5/8 - 5/8500 LV365210Strickland +16
Mason-Dixon4/24 - 4/26625 LV374716Strickland +10
Rasmussen4/19 - 4/19500 LV35527Strickland +17
Rasmussen3/28 - 3/28500 LV40506Strickland +10
Univ. of Akron2/20 - 3/51075 A333829Strickland +5
Rasmussen2/16 - 2/16500 LV354712Strickland +12
Zogby2/2 - 2/3601 LV353825Strickland +3
Rasmussen1/3 - 1/3500 LV404412Strickland +4
Rasmussen11/14 - 11/14500 LV364215Strickland +6